
San Antonio Groundwater Sustainability Agency

SABGSA Board Meeting on March 18, 2025. On March 18, 2025, at 6pm, the SABGSA Board of Directors will consider adoption of a proposed Ordinance to require well owners within the San Antonio Creek Valley Groundwater Basin (Basin No. 3-014) to install a flow meter with a visual, volume-recording totalizer on their wells, submit documentation of compliance by April 1, 2026, and report monthly groundwater extraction readings to the SABGSA on a twice-a-year basis, through a form provided by the SABGSA. The first reading of Ordinance No. 25-001 occurred at the February 18, 2025 Board meeting.

Approved GSP. The San Antonio Creek Valley Groundwater Basin’s GSP was APPROVED on January 18, 2024! SABGSA would like to sincerely thank Basin landowners and stakeholders, GSP Advisory Committee members, SABWD, LACSD, VSFB, SB County Water Agency, GSI Water Solutions, the Cachuma Resources Conservation District, our Board of Directors, and everyone who participated in the development of the GSP. It was truly a collaborative effort. SABGSA is fortunate to have such a supportive, engaged, and active group of Basin stakeholders.

Board Meetings. The SABGSA Board of Directors meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6pm at the Los Alamos Community Services District located at 82 St. Joseph Street, Los Alamos, CA 93440. About Us.

FY 24-25 Budget. The SABGSA Board of Directors approved the FY 24-25 budget on June 18, 2024.

SABGSA Boundary
(click on the map for larger view)

The San Antonio Basin GSA (SABGSA) is a public agency formed by a joint powers authority between the San Antonio Basin Water District and the Los Alamos Community Services District. The agency was formed in June 2017 to sustainably manage groundwater in the San Antonio Creek groundwater basin. In addition to landowners, SABGSA’s partners include the San Antonio Basin Water District (SABWD), Los Alamos Community Services District (LACSD), SB County Water Agency, and Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB).

Stay Informed. We have launched our new communications portal to keep you informed. Register as an interested party to be notified when new events or documents related to groundwater planning are proposed.